Roasted Salsa


Inspired by Thai Nam Prik Noom (Thai roasted chili dip)       

Not long ago I had received this wonderful olive oil from Colive. Beside a great brand’s missions and a thoughtful packaging, I think their olive oil is quite yummy!😍 A very low % of acidity in their olive oil made it tastes really smooth and mild with a peppery hint after taste. These extra virgin olive oil has a beautiful green color and a very light aroma. It goes very well with salad dishes.

Yesterday the weather was called for a BBQ. I also had a hidden agenda of wanting to eat a lettuce wrap style BBQ, so I made this roasted salsa which can be a dip for my wrap, as a side dish for everyone.😁


~ 500g. tomato, roasted

~ 1 large onion, roasted

~ 300g. tapas green pepper, roasted

~ 1 whole garlic, roasted

~ a bunch of fresh coriander

~ olive oil

~ salt / fish sauce

~ lime juice 

~ grounded pepper