Rice Noodle with Chicken Green Curry with Bamboo Shoots


I love to cook for my friends. Last week one of my friend said she was craving for a chicken green curry with bamboo shoots. So I made one for her right away with out a second thought (but with a hidden motive - she is a great baker!😆)

Ingredients: (2 servings)

~ 300 g. dried rice noodle, cooked in boiled water until soft, then rinsed in cold water 

~ 500 g. chicken, diced

~ 500 ml. coconut milk

~ 300 g. cooked bamboo shoots, sliced (or any veggies of your choice)

~ 2 tbsp green curry paste

~ 1 chicken bouillon cube (optional)

~ 2 tbsp sugar

~ 2 tbsp fish sauce, if you use stock cube as well then use only 1 tbsp of fish sauce

~ 3 kaffir lime leaves, torn into pieces and discard the hard stem in the middle of the leaf

~ 1 large chili, sliced and some Thai sweet basil for garnish 

How to:

✔️ Add about 1/2 cup of creamy part of coconut milk or 100 ml coconut milk and green curry paste to the pot. Cook the paste in low heat for 5 mins until it developed green oil on the surface.

✔️ Add chicken, the rest of coconut milk, water and bouillon cube to the pot. Once it is boiled, bring the heat down to medium to simmer the chicken for about 20 mins.

✔️ Add bamboo shoots to the pot and cook it for another 10 mins.

✔️ Add fish sauce and sugar to seasoning the curry sauce.

✔️ Add kaffir lime leaves, fresh chili and Thai sweet basil. Stir and turn off the heat.