Laab Moo - Thai Spicy Pork Salad (Isarn style)


There are 2 versions of Laab in Thailand, Isarn version and Northern Thailand version. I grew up with the Northern version (which I like the most). But to make the Northern version is a bit more complicated because we need specific type of herbs and spices to make it. So the Isarn version is easier to make and more knowns.

Laab Moo  (Isarn Style) is very simple to make. You have to just get the ratio of salty and sour taste right, and you will nail it. It can be made also with chicken, beef, duck, fish, seafood or even red kidney beans for vegetarian version. 

Oh! and don’t forget the steam sticky rice to complete the meal!!! 😁


- 300 g. cooked minced pork

- 3-4 small shallot (depends on the size and how much you like it 😉)

- 2 spring onions

- 4-5 stems corianders

- 4-5 stems mint (use just the leafs)

- 3 tbsp roasted rice powder

- chili flakes at your level of spicy resistant (But remember to add a little bit at a time, so it can easily be rescued.😁)

- 2 tbsp fish sauce

- 2 1/2 tbsp lime juice 


If you really can’t eat spicy food, use 1 tbsp of the paprika powder instead of spicy chili powder. It will still give you some chili aroma and a good color to the dish.

How to make Laab Moo