Instant Noodle Spicy Salad with Seafood


Instant noodle to me is so versatile food. I can eat it both raw (not good, I know😅) and cooked. It is quick to make and can be cooked in so many ways, soup, stir-fried, salad, you name it. My house never runout of instant noodle. If I ever going to hamstering on something, it will be instant noodles!🐹🍜

Thai salad, or Yum in Thai, is not really a dish that packed with veggies. The majority of ingredients in Thai salad are proteins. And it will always be spicy. When ever I felt like something quick, spicy and fresh, I often going for a instant noodle salad with what ever proteins I have in my fridge. Another good idea for a fridge raided menu. 😁

Ingredients: (1 serving)

~ 1 pack of instant noodle, cooked in hot water

~ 150 g. your choice of cooked seafood (poached/cooked)

~ 150 g. veggies cabbage, tomato, cucumber, carrot, onion, celery leaves, etc. (fresh)


Salad Dressing

~ 1 clove garlic, minced

~ 1 - 2 fresh chili minced 

~ 2 tbsp lime juice 

~ 1 tbsp cooking syrup / sugar /palm sugar 

~ 1  1/2 tbsp fish sauce

~ (OPTIONAL: 1 tbsp Thai fermented anchovies sauce to replace 1 tbsp of fish sauce)
