Thai Red Curry With Pork Belly and Thai Morning Glory


This Thai curry dish is quite an authentic dish. It requires a specific type of ingredients such as Thai water morning glory, which have thicker and crispier stems than the regular Chinese water spinach or Chinese morning glory. So it won’t get too soggy when cooked in the curry sauce. 

Another authentic ingredient would be the kaffir lime. You need to use the whole fruit to give a special aroma and taste to this dish. The taste of this curry dish is so flavorful, an all round tastes with sweet, sour, salty and spicy.  And it is very aromatic. A dish that I am definitely recommended. 

However, if you can’t find the Thai water morning glory, using Chinese morning glory or water spinach is also ok. Another substitute to the morning glory would be Napa cabbage (Chinese cabbage). And you can use a lime instead of a kaffir lime. 😊


~ 400 g. pork belly, sliced

~ 500 ml. coconut milk

~ 200 ml. water

~ 400 g. morning glory, cut to 2 inch long

~ 2 tbsp red curry paste

~ 1 pork bouillon cube (optional)

~ 2 tbsp palm sugar / sugar

~ 2 tsp tamarind paste

~ 2 tbsp fish sauce, if you use stock cube as well then use only 1 tbsp of fish sauce

~ 4 kaffir lime leaves, torn into pieces and discard the hard stem in the middle of the leaf

~ 1 kaffir lime, halved


How to:

✔️ Add about 1/2 cup of creamy part of coconut milk or 100 ml coconut milk and red curry paste to the pot. Cook the paste in low heat for 5 mins until it developed red oil on the surface.

✔️ Add pork belly, the rest of coconut milk, water and stock cube to the pot. Once it is boiled, bring the heat down to medium to simmer the pork belly for about 20 mins.

✔️ Add fish sauce, tamarind paste and sugar to seasoning the curry sauce.

✔️ Add morning glory, kaffir lime and kaffir lime leaves to the pot. Stir and cook for another 5 mins, then turn off the heat.

Meat Dish, Pork, CurryHave A Feast