Salted Egg Squid in Roasted Chili Paste


Do you know the different between Squid / Calamari / Octopus?

We have only 1 word in Thai to call these three animals which is “Pla Meuk ปลาหมึก” or directly translate as “ink fish”. So to me it is just potaeto - potato. 😆 However, the only confusion that I had until 10 mins ago was the distinction between squid and calamari. And now I feel a little wiser. 🤓

Anyhow, I had 2 kg. of large squids laying in my freezer for a month that need to be cooked. So I used half of it to make this Thai Style stir fried squids in roasted chili paste and salted egg yolk sauce. The salted egg yolk is the key ingredient because it give the dish a well balanced between creamy, rich and salty taste to the roasted chili sauce. I like to eat it with rice so I can mix these tasty and creamy sauce with the warm rice. Ummm.....🤤🤤🤤


~ 400 g squid

~ 3 salted egg yolk

~ 3 tbsp roasted chili paste

~ 2 tbsp oyster sauce

~ 1 tbsp fish sauce

~ 1 tbsp sugar

~ 3 cloves garlic, minced 

~ 1 large onion, sliced

~ 2 large chili pepper, sliced

~ 3 scallions, sliced 1 inch long

~ 3 tbsp cooking oil


How to:

✔️ Mashup the salted egg yolks in a small bowl. Then add roasted chili paste, oyster sauce, fish sauce and sugar into the bowl and mix it together.

✔️ Heat up the pan. Add cooking oil and garlic it the pan. Saute the garlic until golden brown.

✔️ Add squids to the pan and saute until it is almost cook. 

✔️ Add the mix salted egg yolk sauce to the pan and quickly stir until the squid is evenly coated with the sauce.

✔️ Add onion, chili pepper and scallion to the pan. Stir for 1 minute then turn off the heat.

Seafood DishHave A Feast