Japanese Chashu Bowl


I love Japanese rice bowl dishes (Donburi). There are so many ways to make Donburi, with crispy pork chop, sliced beef, sliced pork, fish, etc. 

The other day I wanted to make Japanese Chashu pork (stew pork belly) and the soya eggs (ramen eggs) for ramen. But I ended up using it all for Donburi instead. 

It actually really easy to make. But you need a good time to make it, like a day in advance. 😊

Pork Chashu and ramen eggs

Ingredients: (4 servings)

~ 1 kg of pork belly block

~ butcher twine

~ 8 eggs

~ 2 scallions, sliced into 2inch length 

~ 2 thumbs ginger, sliced into large pieces

~ 1 tbsp cooking oil

~ 2 cups Japanese soya sauce

~ 2 cups cooking sake

~ 4 cups water

~ 1 1/2 cups sugar

How to:

Chashu pork

✔️ Roll the pork belly, skin side out, and tie the pork log with a butcher twine to shape it.

✔️ Heat up the pan and add cooking oil. Sear the pork log all sides evenly, until it has a nice brown color all over the pork log.

✔️ Put the seared pork log into a pot. Add sliced scallions, sliced ginger and all seasonings to the pot, and bring it to boil.

✔️ Once the sauce is boiled, low the heat down to low. Skim the foam. Then use a drop lid (or make one from aluminum foil sheet with few holes in it) to press the ingredients down.

✔️ Simmer the pork log in low heat for 2 hours. Turn off the heat to let it cool.

✔️ Once the pork is cooled, transfer it to a food container or to a plastic bag for food.

✔️ Drain the sauce and add half of it to the pork. (Another half of the sauce is for the eggs)

✔️ Store the pork in refrigerator over night so it can soaked up the sauce nicely.

Soya Eggs (Ramen Eggs)

✔️ Make a soft boiled egg: Bring water to boil. Then add the eggs ( size M/L, fridge temperature) to the pot and boil it for 6 mins. Transfer the boiled eggs into cold water to stop it from being over cooked.

✔️ Peel the eggs and transfer it to a food container or to a plastic bag for food. ✔️Add the Chashu sauce to the eggs. 

✔️ Store the eggs in refrigerator over night so it can soaked up the sauce nicely.

Chashu Bowl 

Ingredients: (2 servings)

~ 1 large onion, sliced lengthwise 

~ 2 bowls of boiled Japanese rice

~ 6 - 8 thick slices of Chashu pork

~ 2 - 4 soya eggs 

~ 3 cups of Chashu sauce (or from the soya eggs)

~ 1 scallions, sliced 

~ Optional garnish: roasted sesame, seaweed, Shichimi (Japanese mixed spices) or grounded pepper

How to:

✔️ Take the Chashu pork out from the fridge and slice it into a half centimeter thick piece.

✔️ Add sauce and sliced onion into a pan. Cook the onion until it is soft and add the sliced Chashu into the pan to warm it, then turn off the heat.

✔️ Make a Chashu bowl on a warm Japanese rice by adding the Chashu pork with cooked onion, sauce and soya eggs on top of the rice.  

✔️ Add sliced scallion and other other types of garnish on top of the bowl before serve.