Boba Pearls / Bubble Tea


I am a tea person. I love tea. And I could drink tea all day long, from morning until I go to bed. And I am addicted to a bubble tea. Since all the shops are closed during home quarantine period, I will tell you how to prepare the Boba pearls. And you don’t have to buy the bobble tea from a shop ever again.😁 🌱Ingredients
~ 1 part uncooked Boba Pearls
~ 4 part water
~ brown sugar

How to
✔️ Bring water to boil in a pot. Then add uncooked Boba Pearls to the boiled water, little by little. Keep stiring until the Boba pearls are floating up on the surface.
✔️ Low the heat down to medium heat. And leave it to simmer with medium heat for 25 mins.
✔️ Once the time is up, turn of the heat and close the lid on the pot. Leave it there for 30 mins more.
✔️ Drain it in cold water until the Boba pearls is cooled down.
✔️ Add brown sugar to the Boba pearls and mix it well.

And now these soft and bouncy Boba pearls are ready for you to add to your favourit tea.🥤🍵 .

DrinksHave A Feast